Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Part 4 and The Signing of the Peace Agreements

The announcement of the final agreements between the government of Colombia and the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) is exciting news. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia (IELCO) and all affiliated organizations and ministries have been working for decades to build peace and look forward to the next stage in this long and arduous journey. What are the perspectives of Lutheran Colombians on the peace agreements and hopes for the future of their country? 

The plebiscite, where the Colombian people have the opportunity to vote “yes” or “no” on the agreement, will be held this Sunday October 2nd. We have been highlighting the voices of our Colombian Lutheran brothers and sisters and their perspectives on the agreements.

This week, Pastor Jairo Suárez, Coordinator of the National Diaconal Ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia

Pastor Jairo (middle) with Curtis and Katie. Photo by Zulanlly Chaparro.
As a Lutheran Christian, I have a commitment to peace that moves me to become a defender of the peace that comes with social justice for all. The gospel of Jesus calls me, through faith, to be a peacemaker and therefore, by the force of the word of God, a witness to this peace proclaimed and exemplified by the life Jesus. I believe that the negotiation process with the FARC is a unique opportunity to start a new path for my country; a path of hope for the present and for future generations, where one can live in peace. Or, in other words, a country where the rights of its citizens are fully protected as guaranteed by our constitution.

I have personally experienced the direct consequences of the violence that has affected millions of Colombians. Living with the anxiety generated by the violence, violence created by all sides, is difficult and it affects the development of the person. When there is no peace, there is no freedom. That is, the fullness of being human, to live and enjoy your own country, your family, even your own body and the most intimate decisions, is limited. Giving approval by voting “yes” to a process that began under the shadow of doubts but has managed to stop the war and its effects, is an ethical and moral imperative that every Christian should understand. Supporting the peace process is the call of the gospel, in the language of St. Paul, to let the Spirit create in us good fruits that oppose the works of the flesh (Gal 5: 16-26). That is why as a Lutheran in Colombia I'm happy to be able support the beginning of a responsible peace-building, giving further testimony of God's work in my life.

Signing of the agreements in Cartagena, Colombia

The crowd cheering right after President Santos and FARC commander "Timochenko" signed the agreements. Photo by Curtis.

This last Monday, the 26th of September, Sara Lara, the coordinator of the human rights program of IELCO and myself (Curtis) were honored to be invited to attend the historic signing of the peace agreements between the government of Colombia and the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) in Cartagena, Colombia. In an atmosphere full of hope and a sea of white shirts and white flags, we were able to enjoy the event, which after four years of negotiations brings an end to more than 50 years of armed conflict. Tears of joy and shouts of “Si se pudo” (It was possible) or “Se vive, se siente, la paz está presente” (It lives, it feels, peace is present) filled the crowd as President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC commander Rodrigo Londoño “Timochenko” signed the 297 page document bringing “a second opportunity on earth” (famous quote from Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Colombia’s most famous author). Here is the communication from DIPAZ (Inter-Church Dialogue for Peace) which IELCO is a member.

President Santos and "Timochenko" shaking hands after signing. Photo by Curtis.
Curtis with Sara Lara at the signing. Photo by Jenny Neme.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Lutheran Colombian Perspectives on the Peace Agreements: Part Three

The recent announcement of the final agreements between the governmnet of Colombia and the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) is exciting news. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia (IELCO) and all affiliated organizations and ministries have been working for decades to build peace and look forward to the next stage in this long and arduous journey. What are the perspectives of Lutheran Colombians on the peace agreements and hopes for the future of their country?

The plebiscite, where the Colombian people will have the opportunity to vote "yes" or "no" on the agreement, will be held on October 2nd. Between now and then, we will be highlighting the voices of our Colombian Lutheran brothers and sisters and their perspectives on the agreements.

This week, Pastor John Hernandez, Pastor of the Emmaus Mission Lutheran Church in Medellin, Colombia, and Pastor Nelson Celis, Pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in southern Bogota.

Pastor John Hernandez:

Pastor John Hernandez leading worship at Emmaus Mission. Photo bu Curtis Kline.
After so many decades of political violence in Colombia, we suddenly find ourselves with the concrete and real possibility to end the conflict with the FARC. This seems to have scared us. A few days after the announcement of the final agreement, the country demonstrated what so many years of violence has made of our society, which divided as it is, is debating between the "yes" and the "no" of the plebiscite.

It is clear that the agreements are beneficial for the country; an open-minded reading of them will confirm it. However, after so many years of mistrust, lies and manipulation, most people have fears as to the sincerity and the likelihood that those benefits will materialize. The majority of those who tell me they are going to vote "no", are almost certain that nothing will change and the violence will continue. Their vote is an expression of that hopelessness.

I don't know if the agreements will be implemented or not; I don't know if the lives of the ex-guerrilleros will be respected; I don't know if there will be an effective justice for the victims of the conflict; I don't know if peace and calm will arrive to the grassroots. This may not be the beginning of peace, but the agreements are an expression of the hope of a generation dreaming of the possibility, a generation unwilling to accept the fate of a failed society. This is the best argument I see to vote for "yes".

Pastor Nelson Celis:

Pastor Nelson Celis leading worship at St. Paul Lutheran Church. Photo submitted by Nelson Celis.
“Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, says the Lord God, and not rather that they should turn from their ways and live? […]Again, when the wicked turn away from the wickedness they have committed and do what is lawful and right, they shall save their life. Because they considered and turned away from all the transgressions that they had committed, they shall surely live; they shall not die. […]Cast away from you all the transgressions that you have committed against me, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit! Why will you die, O house of Israel? 32 For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, says the Lord God. Turn, then, and live” (Ezequiel 18: 23, 27-28, 31b-32a).

If it is the Lord's will that we have life, and if life follows from the repentance of all our transgressions; if He himself gives the opportunity to turn away from evil and his desire is that NONE die, why would we perpetuate a conflict that feeds on the blood of the children of this land; a conflict that destroys the dreams and hopes of those who only seek to improve the welfare for their families; a conflict that makes our brothers and sisters miserable while the "fathers" of the country bask in their dishonest gain?

The historic opportunity to rid ourselves of the armed violence has broken through into this generation; allowing the light of life to touch us all and to restore the ties that make us fellow citizens and brethren; to reconcile and remember the victims, so we never again have to suffer the consequences of the war in Colombia. 

As a minister of the Lord, I should not, and I cannot, turn a deaf ear to the voice of God's children, those who are calling for an agreement between the players in this war. A call so that those who are trapped in the middle of the conflict do not continue to be the target of its bullets, better yet, so that not one more bullet is fired from anybody. Rather, that all will walk in the pursuit of justice, and with it, a legitimate peace; a peace which Christ has left for us, a peace which we want to live and leave for our children. As a Colombian, Christian, Lutheran pastor, I join the feeling and the longing of all who proclaim Christ’s love of neighbor, all those calling for a stable and lasting peace. Let me anoint by the balm of the Word which reads: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5: 9).

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Lutheran Colombian Perspectives on the Peace Agreements: Part Two

The recent announcement of the final agreements between the government of Colombia and the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) is exciting news. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia (IELCO) and all affiliated organizations and ministries have been working for decades to build peace and look forward to the next stage in this long and arduous journey. What are the perspectives of Lutheran Colombians on the peace agreements and hopes for the future of their country?

The plebiscite, where the Colombian people will have the opportunity to vote “yes” or “no” the agreement, will be held on October 2nd. Between now and then we will be highlighting the voices of our Colombian Lutheran brothers and sisters and their perspectives on the agreement. 

This week, Andres Alba, Technical Secretary for the Inter-Church Dialogue for Peace (DIPAZ) and member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia (IELCO).

Andres Alba in a workshop about the peace proccess, photo credit: submitted by Andres Alba
I took a taxi to work a few days ago. The driver and I talked the whole ride; the subject “yes” or “no” on the plebiscite for peace. First I listened to his worries about the Final Agreement; it is difficult to read the “fine print”, he said, and it is difficult to think of a guerrillero participating in politics. I tried to argue with him about what it means to “stop killing ourselves” (a popular campaign slogan) and to start peace-building from the grassroots without armed mediation from whichever armed actor. I specified that the implementation of the agreement between the FARC and the National Government is the work of all of the Colombian society. I insisted on the centrality of the conflict’s victims in the agreements, the transitional character of the agreements, as well as the restorative justice approach that has sustained the dialogue. I also tried to clarify that in no part of the agreements does anything similar to a “gender ideology” appear, only a gender focus for a necessary justice which is intended to be democratic for everyone.

The taxi driver respectfully stayed strong with his “no”. Finally, I asked him if he is a believer. He told me yes with enthusiasm. Then I brought up that biblical memory about Jesus’ arrest, where Peter reacts: “Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant’s name was Malchus.) Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?” (John 18: 10-11).

I told him that for me to say “yes” on the plebiscite was a way to affirm the modern necessity to “put your sword away”. It will be fundamental to build peace together without denying our political differences or killing ourselves because of them. I managed to say: “we should do as Jesus, bet on or choose nonviolent action”.

Then the taxi driver, a man already advanced in age, without needing to, slowed down the cab and told me: “I was a soldier and I know what war is. I had not realized that Peter was armed. True, Jesus invites us to sheathe our sword. Of course, the zealots were present in Jesus’ times”.

The zealot spirit, I reminded him, encouraged the most violent faction of Judaism in the time of Jesus, The Zealots. That spirit tried to permeate the movement. Is it a coincidence that Peter had a sword with him or one of the twelve is called Simon the rebel (zealot: Lucas 6: 15) or that his disciples, in front of the mob at Jesus’ arrest, say: “Lord, should we strike with our swords”? I continued, saying: It may be that the plebiscite is a necessary step to pass through the cross and await the resurrection? What do you think? I asked him. He told me: “Let’s go for peace”. 

I told him, with one foot on the sidewalk and the other in the taxi, for me the plebiscite is not the fundamental thing, but it is an important chance to claim my right to peace, as well as the right of my son, Gabo.

I closed the taxi door and felt the many dead left by this war. I thought about the necessity to “stop killing ourselves” and the unique opportunity we have in this country. And I asked myself: Why not say yes to a Final Agreement that truly will require all our service and commitment to ensure its implementation? Why not disarm ourselves as Christians and as disciples of Jesus and say yes to this peace process which becomes yes to the plebiscite?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Lutheran Colombian Perspectives on the Peace Agreements: Part One

The recent announcement of the final agreements between the government of Colombia and the FARC (Revolutionary Forces of Colombia) is exciting news. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia (IELCO) and all affiliated organizations and ministries have been working for decades to build peace and look forward to the next stage in this long and arduous journey. What are the perspectives of Lutheran Colombians on the peace agreements and hopes for the future of their country?

The plebiscite, where the Colombian people will have the opportunity to vote “yes” or “no” the agreement, will be held on October 2nd. Between now and then we will be highlighting the voices of our Colombian Lutheran brothers and sisters and their perspectives on the agreement. 

This week, Sara Lara, Coordinator of the Human Rights Program of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia:

Sara Lara, the coordinator for IELCO's Human Rights program. Photo credit - submitted by Sara Lara.

The hopes of Colombians have grown with the “final agreement for the end of the conflict and the construction of a stable and durable peace”to live without the war that has scourged the country for more than 50 years. The surrender of weapons by the FARC also strengthens the possibility of realizing the right to peace, enshrined in Article 22 of Colombia’s Constitution of 1991. 

Multiple organizations have arisen during this long war, many of them to defend the human rights of the conflict’s victims. These organizations have played an important role as protagonists of the social mobilization pushing for the peace agreements, as seen through the development of peace education, the diffusion of the agreements from Havana, and even the campaign for massive participation in the plebiscite which seeks to endorse the agreements on the 2nd of October.

Civil society organizations have taken on the tasks entrusted by the government of President Santos, demonstrating the need to build peace from the grassroots and for forgiveness and reconciliation to become a reality. In this vein, the work carried out by churches is essential for the promotion of justice and the proclamation of the Gospel. Also noteworthy is the undisputed support of the international community for this process; since the beginning phase of secret negotiations to the implementation of the final agreements.

The challenges ahead are concerned with the experience of peace in everyday life; it is well known that the FARC exiting the armed conflict does not necessarily mean the end of violence in the streets, homes, schools and other living spaces. Nor can we ignore the persistence of other guerrilla groups like the ELN and the EPL and the criminal and paramilitary gangs that keep the Colombian armed conflict alive. 

It is also our call to make visible the more than 8,131,269 victims of the conflict whom are at the center of the agreement. They will need greater attention from the government to ensure the effective enjoyment of their rights. 

We will move forward, step by step, with trust in God to heal this land and with great expectations of peace. At the same time though, we are cautious of the current economic model, as well as the difficulties concerning the integration of demobilized guerrillas into political and civil life and the constant struggle for the respect of the rights of all people in Colombia.